It goes without saying that the last month has been very strange for us all. With careful guidance and the impressive self-discipline of New Zealanders the curve of Covid has been flattened. The numbers of new cases are diminishing rapidly.
Tomorrow we go from level 4 to level 3. Not a huge change but so encouraging for us all and a great boost for morale. Hopefully level 2 will follow soon.
New Zealand dermatologists are now actively planning to adjust their work as the levels change. The last blog was on virtual consultations and at level 3 this will still be the majority. As we move toward level 2 then clinics will ease their restrictions with more normal activity. There will be considerable planning and preparation for safe consultations carefully following the advice of the New Zealand government.
You can help your dermatologist by considering these 3 questions* prior to making a Face to Face appointment:
1. In the last 14 days have you been overseas?
2. In the last 14 days have you been in contact with a person who has confirmed/probable Covid illness?
3. Are you unwell or are any of the people in your household bubble unwell with fever or new respiratory symptoms?
If the answer is “No” it is very unlikely that that you have Covid. If the answer is “Yes” then you must not attend the clinic appointment but seek advice from your General Practitioner and consider testing for the virus. Remember that it is not only important to think of your own health, but also of the well being of the healthcare providers with whom you will interact.
If you have a skin problem please do not hesitate to seek advice from your dermatologist. As we begin to leave Covid behind don’t allow your own personal health to suffer through delay.
*With grateful acknowledgement to Counties Manukau Health