To benefit New Zealanders by advancing dermatology medical research in skin health and disease
What is dermatology?
“Dermatology involves but is not limited to the diagnosis and study of disorders, diseases, cancers, cosmetic and ageing conditions of the skin, fat, hair, nails and mucous membranes, and the management of these by different therapies, including but not limited to, topical and systemic medications, dermatologic and cosmetic surgery, phototherapy, laser therapy, radiotherapy and photodynamic therapy.”
Trust objectives
Advancement of medical research into dermatology: healthy and unhealthy skin, and treatments of skin related conditions and/or illness, by NZ dermatologists
The NZDRT aims to achieve these by
Providing grants to enable dermatologists or dermatology trainees to undertake research projects in areas of dermatology, approved by the trustees
Once sufficient funds have been accrued by the New Zealand Dermatology Research Trust (NZDRT), to provide useful grants and to be self-sustaining, applications will open for grants and scholarships. These will be awarded at the discretion of the NZDRT board of trustees, for worthy research projects. Priority skin research areas will likely have a NZ bias (e.g. related to needs of Maori, NZ predominant conditions, novel NZ-based therapies), rare conditions and skin issues related to inequity.
Research projects supported at any stage by the NZDRT, which result in financial profits, will return royalties to the NZDRT.
New Zealand is special for its unique beautiful landscape, flora, fauna, tangata whenua, and multicultural mix, so despite having much in common with many countries and people through the world, we need NZ based research and for the largest organ in the body, the skin.
Medical and scientific research is costly to cover specialised equipment, staff, ethical, legal and administrative requirements and is poorly funded in New Zealand. Although large drug companies may support some clinical research, it is restricted to the needs of the company, and typically focusses on more common conditions because the expected financial return for them will be greater. Yet, ongoing independent research into wide ranging skin issues, is essential for optimal human wellbeing in our changing environments.
The lack of finance earmarked for NZ dermatology research inspired philanthropic founder, Dr. Louise Reiche, to initiate the New Zealand Dermatology Research Trust (NZDRT). Her desire for the long term benefit of skin health in New Zealand and to continue expanding the knowledge frontiers of dermatology was enthusiastically philosophically, financially and legally supported by the New Zealand Dermatological Society Incorporated (NZDSI) and other founding trustees: Drs Paul Jarrett, Sandra Winhoven, Grant Bellaney and Peter Gould, in 2014.
Logo development and design contributions were generously provided by Danyel Simich.
The NZDSI continues to oversee and support the NZDRT but much more funding is required to actualise the aims of the NZDRT.