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Level 1 and chilblains

Level 1 and what a relief to return to an “almost normal” normal. New Zealand dermatologists will fully open their clinics and you can book to see them.  For some of you, there may have been skin conditions for which you have not been able to seek an opinion because of the different lock down levels but now is the time to have them assessed and treated.

While being wary of Covid 19 it is possible to begin to turn away from this virus back to dermatology and consider dermatology in the winter. Can the cold cause rashes? Yes, several in fact including chilblains also known as pernio. Chilblains are a nuisance in winter. They are caused when the cold is sufficiently severe to damage the skin and cause painful, burning red or purplish bumps. Common sites are the hands, feet and occasionally other areas including the nose and ears. They can take a long time to resolve. Farmers sometimes get them on the hands driving quad bikes without gloves on cold days. Rarely there are other illnesses associated with chilblains and your dermatologist may need to check you for these conditions. A blood test or biopsy may be needed. Preventing them with warm clothing is important. Thermal gloves will help. Smoking makes the problem worse. A medication called nifedipine helps to open the small blood vessels in the skin and can be useful.

So stay warm while enjoying the new normal!