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SPIN 2025 International Conference, 2 - 4 July 2025
9:18 am, 28 Feb 2025
Venue: Beffroi de Montrouge
Av. de la République, 92120 Montrouge - PARIS
Have you heard the news? PIN has turned into SPIN! That is definitely more than a play on words. PIN (Psoriasis International Network) did a great job over the years when it came to catalysing activities around this enigmatic disease. In contrast, many more diseases of the skin lack that high level of attention, availability ofresources, and consequently research activity.
We decided to change this, turning PIN into SPIN, the Skin inflammation and Psoriasis International Network. To date, SPIN gathers world-renowned experts not only for psoriasis, but for alopecia areata, atopic dermatitis, hidradenitis suppurativa, and vitiligo as well.
We kicked off this evolution in 2017 and are determined to continuously push forward. The SPIN 2025 congress program reflects our ambition and offers innovative formats:
- Plenary sessions feature famous colleagues addressing topics of general interest to foster “inter-disciplinary” discussions.
- Parallel sessions (only two at a time) will take a deep dive into the different diseases.
- We invite young colleagues to present a poster and to engage on in-depth and personal discussions during a dedicated poster walk.
- You will find a residents’ forum, a session on the global perspective on inflammatory dermatoses, and several more “extraordinary” formats.
- All speakers are briefed carefully to make their respective presentations truly interactive via a congress App that will allow voting and commentaries.
- Finally, you will find yourselves in an exciting place! Sign up for a rooftop party literally “sous le ciel de Paris”!!
There are soooooo many great reasons to attend the SPIN 2025 congress! I look forward to meeting with you in person on the occasion of my favorite congress at my favorite place!
Wolf-Henning Boehncke – President, SPIN
We are looking forward to welcoming you in Paris!